We have some gigs coming up and so decided to release a
free music summr samplr of six tracks, old and new!
Right click –> –> HERE to download the zip file with 6 mp3s.
We hope you enjoy listening and dancing!
If you like what you hear, our vinyl records and mp3 downloads are available here: shop
Upcoming concerts:
- Freitag, 19th July, 10pm, Erfurt.
Polyfantasiaball as part of the polyfantasia woche 2013
- Saturday 10th August, Berlin.
as part of (ex best) friends fest, at bei ruth, ziegrastr.11-13, Neukölln.
This is a smoke-free event with eight bands:
- agatha,
- c.b.a.
- cat ‘n’ guyen
- ex best friends
- respect my fist
- the bathtub theory
- xfirst world problemx
- yours truly (r only massive)
starting at 3pm. with food, cake and haircuts. It is sad that the wonderful ex-best friends are calling it a day, but this will be a beautiful kiss-off. See you there.
Midi Grrrl