summr samplr + concerts in erfurt and berlin

summer music, 2013, free download, free music, berlin music, music berlin, berlin bands, you're only massive

We have some gigs coming up and so decided to release a
free music summr samplr of six tracks, old and new!

Right click –> –> HERE to download the zip file with 6 mp3s.
We hope you enjoy listening and dancing!
If you like what you hear, our vinyl records and mp3 downloads are available here: shop

Upcoming concerts:

  • Freitag, 19th July, 10pm, Erfurt.

Polyfantasiaball as part of the polyfantasia woche 2013

  • Saturday 10th August, Berlin.

as part of (ex best) friends fest, at bei ruth, ziegrastr.11-13, Neukölln.
This is a smoke-free event with eight bands:

starting at 3pm. with food, cake and haircuts. It is sad that the wonderful ex-best friends are calling it a day, but this will be a beautiful kiss-off. See you there.


Midi Grrrl